Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First Post: Dawnguard and all that Blehhh

I finally got my copy of Elder Scrolls V :Skyrim: Dawnguard. I haven't had much of a chance to try it, but it looks like a real blast. My Thief/Assassin/Vampire looks to get some real boosts from this. Still haven't decided whether to side with the vampires or the Dawnguard. Just doesn't make a lot of sense to me to save the world from Alduin only to turn it into a vampire fun house after all.

But anyways I will be reviewing this in the next few days. This little blog is only beginning mwahahahah

Also future advice- if you are going to get DLC for the Xbox just buy them at the Xbox marketplace, its faster and you don't have to deal with FUBAR gaming websites